Confessions of a Sub: Sex Club Debut

Confessions of a sub: Sex club debut

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The Boss grabbed my hand and walked towards the door of The Townhouse. We’d been fantasising about exploring a sex club for months, but with that moment unfolding quickly before my eyes, I began to get cold feet. 

We decided to break ourselves in gently with an under 40s swingers night. The venue hosts all sorts of evenings from MILF Mondays to hardcore BDSM and fetish nights. We talked about what we wanted from the experience and agreed that our first steps should be getting used to the environment and seeing if we were as into exhibitionism as we thought (spoiler: we very much are).

I clung to his arm as we were given the tour of the multi-floored club. I’d done a bit of research on the clubs available in the UK before our visit. The Townhouse had great reviews, they took their health and safety measures very seriously and insisted on all new-comers having a guided tour before the night kicked off.

The Boss looked every bit the confident Dom in his sharp suit and smart shoes. He followed our guide upstairs to the kink room/mini dungeon and we eyed up the contraption in the corner that looked like an elaborate sex swing with restraints. We were also shown the outdoor area with hot tub and sauna, the bar and lounge, the group play areas that had huge mattresses and viewing areas, glory holes, private rooms, bunk beds, orgy rooms…you really couldn’t get bored at this place.

Once we’d been given the safety talk (the consent and condom talk) we made our way to the lounge and grabbed a drink. I looked around at all the smartly dressed people, dancing and chatting in groups. It felt just like any nightclub. I could hardly believe I was about to see many of these people naked. There was a rule that after 1030pm you could only go to the upper floors ‘dressed down’. I checked my watch, 10pm. I had a body stocking on under my dress so I didn’t need too much time to get into appropriate attire.

“I want to get you in that swing” the Boss whispered as we made our way up to the locker room.

 I gripped his hand tightly and looked around at the other guests, slightly hesitant to get myself undressed. It was quite an attractive young crowd, the men mainly in boxers and the women in various lingerie options. I took off my dress cautiously to reveal my black lace body stocking and kept on my peep-toe heels. The Boss looked me up and down approvingly as he unbuttoned his shirt and stripped down to his boxers.

We made our way to the mini dungeon. It was still relatively quiet on this floor with just a few couples looking around the rooms. The Boss led me to the swing he’d spotted earlier.

“I just need a little more time to warm up” I told him, still clinging nervously to his arm.

He took me to a wooden bench in the shape of a V. He strapped my thighs to each leg of the V using the leather restraints, and my arms to the wooden bar above. Running his fingers gently along my inner thigh he smiled at me, a mischievous glint in his eye.

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“People are going to want to fuck you here,  but tonight you’re all mine” he said as he slid a finger inside me.

“They can ask to touch you and I might let them, if I think you’d like it” he continued. 

His words of dominance relaxed my nerves. In everyday life I am very much a feminist and wouldn’t dream of thinking of a woman as an object to be owned and controlled by anyone, but as part of sexual play I love the feeling of being his possession. That’s part of the excitement of D/s dynamics for me, playing with taboos and stepping outside my belief systems temporarily. 

“I want to see you bent over that” he said, pointing to what looked like a small pummel horse.

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The Art of Submission. A course for beginner submissives

He released me from my restraints and led me across the room.

I stroked the leather material as I positioned myself over the apparatus, facing away from the viewing window. I felt the warm hand of my Dom gently swat my bum as I gripped the legs of the horse. The second spank was a little harder and sent a calming warmth through my body.The Boss moved towards my head and gently turned my face towards him.

“Open your mouth” he instructed as he pulled his cock from his boxers.

He filled my mouth, getting harder with every gentle thrust. I really needed him to take control like this, even more so than normal. It got me into that calm dreamy place where I felt ready to play. I couldn’t see if anyone was watching but I definitely hoped they were. 

“Good girl, do you want to try the swing now?” He asked, helping me to my feet.

“Yes please” I responded with a smile.

The Boss lowered the chains suspending the swing and helped me in, securing my ankles and wrists. He turned the crank and raised me to the perfect fucking level. I turned my head to the sound of movement at the door, a couple was standing watching us while another was playing in the medical room behind.

Grabbing my hand The Boss led me upstairs to the group play areas. Before we even reached the top of the stairs I could hear the moans and screams of what turned out to be a very energetic threesome taking place in the bunk bed room. They had drawn quite the crowd.

The Boss nibbled at my thighs, playfully teasing before running his tongue towards my clit. Then he stood up and grabbed my feet, licking and sucking on my toes. I pushed my feet into his face as he thrust inside me, the swing creaking in rhythm to his movement. At first I sucked in my moans, aware of a small crowd gathering at the door, but after a few more spanks I relaxed and let go as he fucked me harder. 

“Ah fuck, you look so good” he whispered as he leaned closer to me.

“I don’t want to cum, I want to show you off to a bigger audience” he said, lowering the swing and helping me get my heels back on.

Grabbing my hand The Boss led me upstairs to the group play areas. Before we even reached the top of the stairs I could hear the moans and screams of what turned out to be a very energetic threesome taking place in the bunk bed room. They had drawn quite the crowd.

The Boss spotted an empty bed space on the lower level of the bunks (these were more like cubicles than actual beds) and ushered me in, squeezing through the gathering of warm bodies. This floor was definitely where the action was.

He wasted no time in shedding his boxers and I eagerly got to work at getting him hard again. The noises of pleasure echoed around us with couples and groups deep in the throes of passion in the bunks above and beside us.

“Sit on my face” he instructed, lying back in the dimly lit space.

I could see the feet and legs of the voyeurs but not their faces as I smothered my Dom with my ass. He likes that feeling of being suffocated and squashed under me. Every time he pushed me off I’d lean forward and suck on his cock, enjoying his gasps of pleasure.

Grabbing my shoulders he flipped me over onto the mattress, pinning me down, bringing his face close to mine. The Boss is very tall so being in this small enclosed space was not ideal for some of the positions he likes to fuck me in. Luckily I’m very flexible and he bent both of my legs up to my ears and pressed himself low against my body as he fucked me.

Moans and grunts filled the air as the other groups played to the audience. I wished that I could see them. There were only small holes between the bunk rooms but I wanted to be able to see them properly. Hearing them was definitely a turn on but what I really wanted was to watch someone else getting fucked right next to me, so I told The Boss.

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The visit to the club was different from our usual scenes, we didn’t know how we were going to feel or what the evening was going to be like. We’d agreed to keep communicating as much as possible and explore as much as we were both comfortable with, changing pace as needed.

We decided to relocate to the bigger group play area next door. I peered cautiously in. This one didn’t have any dividing compartments, it was full of couples and groups having sex in close proximity and there was a large crowd watching at the viewing window. We both stood and watched as an athletic looking woman got vigorously spit roasted by two big burley men. The Boss grabbed my hand and led me towards an empty mattress beside the threesome.

“I want all these people to watch me fuck you” The Boss whispered in my ear. A ripple of excitement rushed through my body as I got on my knees, facing the viewing window.

The Boss pulled down the top half of my body stocking and licked each nipple until they were both hard. His hands moved along my back, gently bending me onto all fours. He positioned himself behind me and spanked me firmly on the ass. The noise echoed around the room and grabbed the attention of many of the voyeurs. So, we were going to put on a show it would seem.

He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head up gently to look directly at the window. I could see several men watching me, cock in hand.

He spanked me again and the couple in front of us turned to look. They were an attractive couple and he was getting a great looking blowjob from her. I could feel all eyes on me when The Boss started to fuck me. The one thing I did notice about the crowd fucking around us was that the sex was more on the vanilla side, sure there were a few energetic threesomes but no hair pulling, no restraints and no spanking. I wondered how common-place a little impact play was at a swingers night and whether people were a little surprised and intrigued by us, it turned me on to think they were.

The Boss pushed my face into the bed and put his foot on my head, fucking me even harder, clearly noticing the attention the kinkier acts were getting him. This sort of submissive position often gets me into subspace very quickly. He manoeuvred me like a puppet back up to my hands and knees and closer to the couple in front, the warm daze making me relaxed and mailable. I looked at the woman before me getting fucked from behind. She was gripping the end of our mattress and I placed my hands close to hers as The Boss also fucked me from behind, both watching each other.

The room was hot and sweaty as the couples and groups seemed to synchronise towards climax. I felt like I was in a montage of some art-house movie, where time had slowed and everyone was moving as one in a soft focus mass of bodies, it felt incredible.

The Boss slumped on top of me, sweat dripping down his chest.

“You are so sexy” he whispered as he kissed my neck.

We had planned on ending the night with some aftercare in the hot tub and sauna, but with all our exploring there was very little time left before the club closed. We decided to head back to the hotel and wash each other down with a sexy shower.

That taxi ride back was a little surreal, both of us thrilled at how the night had gone but also in slight disbelief. We agreed that it would not be our last visit to The Townhouse

The Art of Submission. A course for beginner submissives
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