“Seriously, this book is an amazing compendium of just what goes on behind a drool-worthy BDSM scene.”
Sensational Scenes
How to Heighten Arousal, Induce Subspace, and Have Mind-Blowing Sexual Experiences in D/s Relationships.
135 pages of quality content, describing my unique approach to D/s play, a structure any Dom can follow (no matter their experience), as well as in-depth discussions on the psychology and physiology of submission.
Available in two options.
eBook Only ($19)
The 135-page eBook in PDF and ePub formats.

eBook + Demo Videos ($59)
The 135-page eBook plus 3 HD videos of Chief and Moineau demonstrating the principles in action to help you learn faster. Learn more.

Happy Customers
Don’t just take my word for it
What’s the book about?
Sensational Scenes is a book about introducing Dom/sub dynamics into your sex life and relationship. It’ll teach you an easy-to-learn formula for creating incredible experiences in and out of the bedroom during a BDSM scene.
Sensational Scenes is not your typical BDSM training manual. I don’t teach the typical techniques such as spanking, using toys, and bondage. Rather, Sensational Scenes teaches the theory and principles I apply to all my sexual and non-sexual Dom/sub play in order to give my submissive experiences to remember.
The entire philosophy of Sensational Scenes is ‘it’s not only What you do, but also How and Why you are doing it’.
You already know the What. Those are the physical techniques that other books cover. Sensational Scenes helps you with the How and Why, two critical components which many Dominants overlook, when in reality they are vital.
For example, have you ever tried a sexual technique on someone which usually works, only to have it fail miserably? It’s probably because the How and Why components were missing.
Great sex starts in the mind. The role of a Dominant is to help the Submissive enter that submissive mindset and take her on a journey as the scene progresses, not just to perform a sequence of BDSM activities.
Sensational Scenes teaches you my exact method of doing this, all in an easy-to-read and straightforward manner.
It’s also incredibly thorough. At 135 pages long, this is no flimsy pamphlet of an eBook—it may even be the most structured and in-depth discussion about structuring BDSM scenes. All my ideas and thoughts are laid out in great detail for you to learn from.
Who’s it for?
Sensational Scenes is written for beginner and intermediate Dominants and submissives.
Dominants will learn powerful techniques of BDSM scene structuring in order to take their submissive on an incredible mental and physical journey.
Submissives will get a deep insight into how a Dom thinks, as well as a better understanding of their own submission and experiences during a scene.

What will I learn?
Sensational Scenes is a book about introducing Dom/sub dynamics into your relationship. It’ll teach you an easy-to-learn formula for creating incredible experiences during a BDSM scene in and out of the bedroom.
It’s really so well written and organised; I know that I’ve definitely benefitted from reading it (not to mention from the practical application as well…), and I consider it a fantastic resource for anyone who takes part in a D/s dynamic—from ‘lifers’ in the kink world and even to those who only slightly dabble with BDSM in the bedroom.
Seriously, this book is an amazing compendium of just what goes on behind a drool-worthy BDSM scene. I may be slightly biased, but I also KNOW my books. I’ve been reading and researching BDSM topics for years, and I have never come across another BDSM writing that so expertly discusses not only how to skillfully create a scene but also why those methods work and to what effect they have on a submissive. To say that this book is an ‘introductory BDSM 101’ account would be grossly underselling its value; yet, what I find so amazing about Chief’s book is that while it explains through a detailed and analytical approach how to create a scene, it is written in a way that is easy to understand and apply to your own D/s dynamic through its clear, step-by-step approach.
From the psychology of submission to the physiological changes that result from BDSM play to each component needed to craft a Perfect Moment within a scene story, I honestly believe that the theories found within Sensational Scenes have the power to incredibly transform your Dom sub relationship into something spectacular, and dare I say SENSATIONAL.
— Moineau
What format is the book?
The book is delivered digitally in both PDF and ePub formats.
You can view it on any of your own devices, including phone, desktop, tablet, and eReaders such as the Amazon Kindle.

What’s included with the ‘Demo Videos’ option?
Choose this option and along with the eBook and you’ll get access to videos demonstrating the principles of Sensational Scenes. These bring the concepts to life and give you real-world examples of Dom/sub interactions.
The demo scenes are filmed for educational purposes and do not include any nudity. Each has in-depth commentary narrated by Chief and his sub, describing in detail his thought process at every moment.
All videos can be easily streamed and viewed on desktop, tablet, and mobile.
The videos you’ll receive are:
Bedroom Playtime
A bedroom bondage demo scene involving rope, complete with commentary by Chief (45 minutes).
A Relaxed Spanking
A complete spanking scene showing technique and how to put a sub into Subspace (19 minutes)
A Relaxed Spanking (Dom’s commentary)
The spanking scene but with a complete breakdown and additional commentary by Chief and his sub Moineau, describing what they both experienced during the scene and how the principles of a Sensational Scene were used (36 minutes)
Who are you and why did you write the book?
I’m Chief, founder of Kinky Events (this site!). I help people create the Dom/sub dynamics they’ve always fantasised about.
My mission is to help one million people develop their own unique style of dominance and submission, in a safe and consensual manner, as well as destigmatising and demystifying Dom/sub dynamics, so we can all have healthier, happier, and more pleasurable relationships.
Sensational Scenes started life as a set of ideas and principles on how to enhance rope bondage during sexual play that I planned to release as part of my Sinful Shibari rope bondage course for D/s couples.
As I put pen to paper the ideas kept flowing, and pretty soon I realised the principles didn’t just apply to shibari, but to all BDSM. So I expanded upon them, fleshing out all the techniques I’ve been using in scenes to take submissives on incredible journeys, give them stronger orgasms, and allow them to embrace their submission.
Sensational Scenes was born.