Ep 9: Chief and Moineau Answer BDSM Questions From Reddit (Conversations with a Dom Podcast)

Conversations with a Dom BDSM podcast

In this week’s episode of the Conversations with a Dom podcast, Chief and Moineau delve into Reddit to answer questions posted to the BDSM subreddits, and read out other people’s answers. Questions include “My boyfriends too nice, what can I do?” and “My partner wants a threesome, what should I say?”. If you’re a beginner Dominant or submissive then these questions and answers will help you avoid the common pitfalls for the D/s lifestyle.

Listen to the podcast for Dominants and submissives below.

Audio transcript

[00:00:19] Chief: Hello, and welcome to another episode of Conversations with a Dom with me, Chief and Moineau. Oh, hello. Today we’re going to be answering some questions that people have posted on Reddit on some of the BDSM related sub Reddits, and we’re going to be giving what our answers would be, and also reading what some people have written as their answers.

Seeing, whether we agree, whether we disagree. Obviously you’re going to caveat this by saying that we haven’t had any training in BDSM. It’s not like you go to school and learn about BDSM. I’ve been involved in it for about five years, I’d say, give or take.

So I’m just. Give answers based on my experience and what I’ve heard other people in this, in the scene or in the community say, uh, but make up your own mind. Don’t take this as gospel there’s. As I said, there’s no real school for this. It’s all generally you learned from experience. 

[00:01:18] Moineau: We live the lifestyle. So, you know, we are as qualified as anyone else living the lifestyle to answer these questions. 

[00:01:28] Chief: Let’s kick off with question number one. So this is actually on the r/sex subreddit rather than a BDSM one, but you do get quite a few people asking BDSM type questions, Dom sub type questions in that subreddit.

So, uh, the question is my, uh, this is a 18 year old female talking about a 20 year old male. My boyfriend is a total sweet tart, too sweet, or think he might cry. If I asked him to just slap me around a little one time, I called him daddy and he stopped everything to ask if I was all right and wanted to talk about my dad’s and our relationship.

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I did not want to talk. I wanted to fuck. How should I approach this? I love it. I love the writing style of this question. I just did say, fuck. It’s just so blunt and gray and to the point it’s really good. What are your thoughts? 

[00:02:19] Moineau: Major props in the boyfriend for asking if everything is okay. That’s great. That’s something that some boyfriends wouldn’t even bother to ask.

However, obviously in this sort of situation, that is not what is wanted or desired here. They’re young, first of all. So very young. Yeah. So I, it doesn’t surprise me that he’s a bit hesitant. Yeah. Can you imagine you’re 20 years old and then your girlfriend’s like, slap me.

[00:02:48] Chief: He’s obviously very caring and loving and he’s maybe not experienced this. So he’s, he’s like you say, wanting to make sure she’s all right. And. Stopped everything to talk about it, but just because you’ve got to be called daddy doesn’t mean that she has to call him.

Yes, yes, yes. Either way. Whether you want to call someone else or be called dead, it doesn’t mean that you’ve got issues with your parents. So, but, uh, yeah, it’s communication, isn’t it. At the end of the day, I think the answers to most of these questions that are gonna read out will be communication because there is this, a young could be a first relationship.

They probably haven’t had much experience about talking about what they want. They’re not sat down and talked about this. The guys got a bit freaked out wanting to help her, but she maybe hasn’t told him she’s into all of this kind of stuff.

[00:03:34] Moineau: Obviously they need to sit down and be like, look, I’m interested in this. Are you also interested in this? Or also she can show him some things that she’s interested in. He might not be into 

[00:03:47] Chief: it at all. He 

[00:03:48] Moineau: might not be, but it does seem that he’s more just a bit ignorant on the topic as well. You know, you can oftentimes draw out the dominance in someone given the right circumstances.

Yes, you 

[00:04:01] Chief: can. You can. But again, if, if that person is, if you have the discussion with them outside of the bedroom and they’re totally not into it, then you can’t compromise or realize it’s not necessarily the right person for you. And that that’s tricky with normal sex, right sexuality. And when you add this layer of kink in it, You may find you’re not, not compatible in that, in that aspect, which would be a shame.

The top answer was, discuss your kinks when you both have clothes on. I agree with that about creating, you know, a safe space. I think we talked about that on a previous 

[00:04:35] Moineau: podcast 

[00:04:36] Chief: judgment free zone.

That was it. Yeah. Don’t don’t do it during sex or right after it. If we bring consent it into this, he hadn’t consented to being called daddy. He’s got to like it and agree to it. Sit down and talk about sex and kinks. Don’t surprise the guy in the bedroom.

Yeah. Very similar to, to what was previously said? Good luck to them. Communication at the end of the day is what it is all about. 

Moving on to question two, this is in the subreddit /r/subsanctuary. So this is a subreddit for subs and the question is. Well, it says the question is more of a, it’s more of a rant. Um, I hate how, whenever I even slightly implied that I’m submissive online.

I have dominance in quotes, floods to my DMS. It’s mostly guys who demand my immediate submission and respect. They immediately try to enforce rules I didn’t get a say in and use honorifics I didn’t agree to be called kind of relates to the last question. Um, and then when I call them out, they call me a fake sub who should get out of the scene.

Just because I’m submissive doesn’t mean I’m everyone’s sub and no one owes anyone else submission. 

[00:05:45] Moineau: Yes, I have had the exact same experience. I don’t know many submissives who. Say online that they are submissive. I don’t know many who have not had that sort of thing. It always happens. I get got guys sliding into my DMS all the time and they’re so demanding and demeaning. If we’ve not established any sort of dynamic you do not get the right to call me any sort of slur or derogatory thing that we have not agreed on. You wouldn’t go on the street, and call someone, oh, you slut, 

[00:06:22] Chief: you met the person. You’ve got no trust with them. There’s 

[00:06:26] Moineau: absolutely no consent. Um, and yeah, I hate it too. Uh, there’s not much to be done besides block them, block them. They obviously. I have no idea what dominance really is if they do, they are wholly misinformed, but I’ve learned to not try to inform them because the guys who approach you like that online are not in a space where they want to be educated on the topic.

So just block them. It sucks. But it is like that. 

[00:06:58] Chief: Yeah. And the same goes whether it’s online or in the early stages of dating, don’t try and dominate someone when you’ve not consented and discuss it. You need the trust. You need the communication. You need to understand the person’s kinks and desires and what they’re into and what they’re not.

[00:07:13] Moineau: Also they call them a fake sub, which is obviously not correct either, just because you do not use honorifics with someone that you don’t know and even establish that sort of relationship does not make you a fake sub.

[00:07:28] Chief: The sub pushing back on the Dom does not make you a bad sub. There should never be a point where the Dom is making you feel bad for not wanting to do something. And I think what these dominoes don’t realize again, they misinterpret what it means to be a Dom. It’s not about getting your own way all the time and doing whatever you want to someone else that is not the purpose of it. The purpose of it is to create an experience for both of you where you’re both getting mutual benefit out of the situation.

[00:07:54] Moineau: Just because you’re a sub doesn’t mean that you’re not empowered in your relationship. You get a. So, yeah. Yes. 

[00:08:01] Chief: Speak up, speak up for yourselves. And if the Dom does not accept what you want to say, then get out of there. It’s not, it’s going to, it’s going to be more of a abusive yeah.

[00:08:11] Moineau: Online or in person. 

[00:08:14] Chief: You took some of this stuff out of your profile. You toned it down. 

[00:08:17] Moineau: I ran an experiment when I was doing my online dating foray. And at first I had a completely innocent profile and I saw who was messaging me. I had bought a premium membership to the dating site I used, and I decided that. These are the sort of guys that I’m attracting now, what happens when I explicitly state exactly what I’m looking for in a Dom sub dynamic, because that was what I was seeking at the time.

So I actually went out there knowing that I was probably going to get a lot of crap back, really. I explicitly stated that I was a submissive, that I was looking for a dominant that I was seeking out this dynamic and I must say the responses were very varied.

Um, I had guys who had no idea what I was talking about. And I also had guys who would compliment me on my courage to put that out there because it is actually extremely vulnerable to state that out into the world, even if it’s at virtual space. And then of course I had the guys who immediately took that as an invitation to call me all sorts of names, demand that I call them, sir, or master or daddy straight out of the gate.

And those are obviously the guys who, um, it’s not worth your time. Yeah, I did take it off after awhile, but. I found it really, I, I think it was a good experiment because actually I discovered through that, that more guys were curious and open-minded even if they were coming from it from a stupid angle, a lot of them were saying stupid remarks, but I knew it came out of a place of misinformation and ignorance rather than like a sort of derogatory or like Headspace 

[00:10:10] Chief: when I saw your 

[00:10:10] Moineau: profile? No, I had to pick it up off, but I had, I had then compromised in my profile. I think I had like one long line. I hinted at it that I was looking for someone who would take charge kind of, and then that’s how, 

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[00:10:26] Chief: that’s what, yeah. You often you can sometimes that’s the kind of wording I look for in pre.

We can sort of tell from pictures sometimes, like how they’re standing the body language. 

[00:10:37] Moineau: I actually did out my profile. I think I saved the versions that I put online. That would be an interesting conversation to have one day about like the differences. 

[00:10:46] Chief: Anyway, it is tricky because I’ve had the opposite.

I’ve put where, where I’ve told someone that I’m into BDSM and the woman has the. That not horrified. They just very judgy that goes raised. Yeah. They’re immediate. Like, oh, well I wouldn’t want to be with someone who’s so controlling. And I’m like, well, that’s not. Yeah. So Janessa and I’m like, you don’t understand that this is fair enough.

They’re not involved in this. They haven’t researched it. When I first started, I thought BDSM was all leather and whips and stuff, so yeah. Um, yeah. Yeah, there’s no right or wrong. You can choose to be open very explicit in your profiles and you will get some terrible messages, but you might also get a lot more people who are interested or you can sort of hide it away, which I tend to do and try and bring it up later in the conversation.

But that would maybe minimize. People or scarce people off later down in the process. So yeah, 

[00:11:43] Moineau: we’ll still get those DMS, whether you have a normal profile or not, you will always 

[00:11:48] Chief: women get by guys all the time. Inappropriate sending of Dick pics, like for when you don’t even mention you’re into DS. So yeah.

Guys are just idiots when it comes to online dating a lot of them, sadly. Um, just the way it is. All right. Number 

[00:12:06] Moineau: three. Comments what Bob said on that one. 

[00:12:10] Chief: Yeah, we read, you read a few out. 

[00:12:13] Moineau: Um, okay. 

[00:12:15] Chief: Um, 

[00:12:18] Moineau: oh, respect is earned. Not given. Yeah. This president says the quickest way to spot a fake Dom is if he comes in my DMS demanding my respect or for me to serve him any true Dom, I have interacted with understands that dynamic and has always made me be the one to beg to go from submissive to slave.

Yeah. Yes. I agree. 

[00:12:39] Chief: I’ve got a full article actually on my website on how to spot a fake dumb, and there’s seven things to look for. So if you go onto kinkyevents.co.uk, use the search box search for fake doms and, or just type into Google can give its fake doms. You’ll probably get the article and there’s a lot of advice in there.

And one of them is exactly this. If the guy’s demanding stuff from you. You know too soon then he’s probably a fate. Yep.

 All right. Should we go on next question number three. This is now in BDSM community forum, subreddit. So these are all by the way. Reddit is great. I think. It’s the advice that’s given and how open people are in these subreddits is really, really amazing.

So do go and check out the BDSM community on Reddit and the, the sex subreddit, the sub sanctuary subreddit. If you’re into, if you’re a sub, um, or a Dom who kind of wants to understand the mindset and how sometimes. And then, um, BDSM community as well.

The title of this is needed advice partner used her safe word, but when I stopped said she was only joking. So the full post, I basically said, what the fuck? And she replied that it wasn’t a big deal as I would know, when she was serious. She had previously said she couldn’t remember safe words and that we don’t need safe words.

You’ll know what it actually means, no slash stop. Is this, uh, we need to talk this through and sorted out or, uh, I need to run away type situation. So that was the question there. Isn’t an update, but let’s discuss that first, 

[00:14:18] Moineau: straight off the bat, I’m concerned that she would joke about safewords. They’re not something to be joked about. That’s the whole reason they’re there. They’re there for both parties, safety, to be fair because they are the final say on consent, especially when in some sort of power dynamic where you may play with consensual non-consent and things like that. If you have a safe word in place, and then it’s not being respected as the safe word, you need to reevaluate. Yeah. 

[00:14:55] Chief: That guy’s done the right thing here. She’s she’s used the safe word he’s stopped. He did well is exactly what you meant to do. Exactly what you meant to do. And when she says you’ll know, actually mean no, stop. You won’t necessarily, if you’re, if you’re doing consensual non-consent then showing is yeah.

It’s part of the process and, and you know, that that can be a kink for some people. So no doesn’t always mean no, which is exactly why you have a safe word. I don’t think it necessarily, he needs to run away, but she, he definitely needs to talk with her about this and make sure she is aware of the importance of a safeword to why it exists.

[00:15:38] Moineau: If she does treat it as such a blahzay manner, then I do think it would be important to maybe reassess, um, the relationship. And if that’s something that you want to continue. 

[00:15:49] Chief: Yes exactly. Some of the comments, um, you did the right thing by stopping if she had used her safe word and you ignored it, we would have iterate you. Yeah. Your partner needs to have the same respect for the safe word. It’s there for her protection. I would have a very serious discussion. Yep. Agreed. What’s up next? Um, it’s a, we need to talk thing. If it happens again, run, she’s expecting you to be a mind reader and that’s already.

And she’s not mature enough to play. Yeah. It’s probably an immaturity thing. She doesn’t say how old these people are. They could be very young, but, um, so here’s the update. So he got this advice and here’s what he updated. He said, we’ve had a discussion about what happened and why I was pissed off. She thought I was annoyed that she used a safe word, which is my failing as I didn’t talk to her straight away.

And I apologized. I didn’t quite get that. Fair 

[00:16:40] Moineau: enough. No. 

[00:16:42] Chief: Um, what was he, what was he apologizing for? 

[00:16:46] Moineau: She thought he was annoyed that she had seen, but it’s, he’s an obviously annoyed that she faked it. 

[00:16:54] Chief: That, yeah. Yeah. If you, and that’s another thing. Yeah. If the dome gets annoyed with you for using the safe word, Run as well.

Yeah, I 

[00:17:02] Moineau: actually, yeah, that’s, that’s a ride sort of scenario. 

[00:17:06] Chief: Yeah. Uh, she says she now understands and will only ever use it if no. Uh, I’m a bit worried. She might not want to use it. If she needs to say for the time being kink stuff will not be happening. Um, if this was a new partner relationship, I probably have walked away, but this is a long-term partner.

And she felt that because we were messing around and know each other so well that it was okay. 

[00:17:29] Moineau: Consent does need to be given every time you play, however you can set up a relationship or where you give consent for future. Yeah, 

[00:17:41] Chief: that’s what I mean though. So, so we, we might have a consent rule where I’m, I can wait, I can have sex with you when you’re asleep. I’ll wake you up to have sex. Yes. And so, but you are obviously asleep. So at the point you can’t give consent, but you’ve given consent to me.

In the past to say that is an allowable thing within our dynamic. And I therefore assume, because it turns me off. I have consent each time. I want to do it until you say, no, I haven’t consented. And some people may, some people may argue that that, that I should be getting consent each time. But then that kind of defeats the point.

[00:18:20] Moineau: If we were playing with harder things in that sort of scenario, if it was something more like CNC instead of free use. I think that you. A good way to get about that because implied consent is not consent, but if you have some sort of non-verbal consent, which might be an article of clothing that you wear, like if you’re wearing a bracelet, that means that, Hey, back off, I know some couples actually use that.

Um, it means back off, it depends. It’s it’s whatever it’s, whatever you want it to be. But if you play with consensual non-consent I know lots of people have something established where if they’re wearing something, it means you’re good to go, or it means back off because it might be something like, um, a female who doesn’t want to play when they’re on their cycle or something.

So it’s really easy to stop on. You know, reminder, bracelet and be like, okay, that’s that? It’s still something that I think should be renegotiated often outside of play where you reaffirm that everything’s okay. 

[00:19:28] Chief: Check in every month, every week, every 

[00:19:31] Moineau: week. It depends. We have a free use agreement.

So for us, The consent is in that agreement. So it’s less of an issue, but I think a lot of people don’t have that sort of 

[00:19:44] Chief: agreements and discussed it so openly to begin with. Um, it’s, it’s 

[00:19:49] Moineau: tricky. 

[00:19:52] Chief: And certainly if it’s a new partner or you’re in the first stage of dating, then get it every time. Yeah, 

[00:19:57] Moineau: definitely.

Yeah. A long-term relationship ends up being more murky. There is that really brilliant resource. The. Consent video hope T 

[00:20:08] Chief: T one. Yes. I 

[00:20:09] Moineau: forget what it’s called. We can link it 

[00:20:12] Chief: if consent was T I don’t know, but search consent T 

[00:20:17] Moineau: Google it’ll come up and it actually really nicely. Yes. I think it really nicely explains 

[00:20:22] Chief: consent.

Yes. And also Betty Martin’s will consent is a bit, it’s more advanced. It’s more advanced, but still a great video of her explaining that on YouTube. 

[00:20:31] Moineau: Anything else about safe words. 

[00:20:33] Chief: Have no nonverbal ones as well. If you’re gagged, you can’t use a face down. You can’t use a safe word. So something like three taps, like in I’ve seen MMA.

You know, tap out because you’re in a hold, something like that. 

[00:20:48] Moineau: We also have used something weighted that makes noise that I can drop if I need to. Yes. 

[00:20:55] Chief: Holding something in your hand and dropping it. Don’t be afraid to use the safe word. It doesn’t mean you’re again, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad sub if you safeword out, it just means no in that situation. And then maybe the next time you talk about it and you’re like, oh actually, yeah, I did want to do that. And then you get you go on or we have, we do, um, just a traffic light system.

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Yeah, I think so. Obviously red is full stop. Amber oranges. Hey, you know, I’m not quite sure about this. You carry on, but maybe back off a little bit, and then green is fine. 

 Question, the title is threesome, and this is in BDSM advice subreddit. My partner has a fantasy about a threesome with another girl that says he won’t have a guy cause he doesn’t want me, them touching me. I feel the same way about a girl.

I can’t see why. If I consider this, his request that he came, he can’t fathom another guy with me. Any other domes like this? What should I do?

yes, it’s, it’s kind of double standards here. Isn’t it?

[00:21:53] Moineau: Yeah, he obviously wants the great experience of having two women, you know, which for him sounds like, yeah, it’s a big turn on for him and she wants the opposite, which I can totally understand cause that sounds great. Having two guys on me, I’m like, yeah, I understand. 

I am generalizing, but women can feel like they have to perform or act and accept a certain way or scenario in order to appease their partner so that there’s smooth sailing and there isn’t a conflict that could potentially put them in some sort of situation that is perhaps not even like not dangerous, but, um, insecure.

[00:22:41] Chief: Women tend to be more empathetic on the, again, on average, if you take everyone and giving, so then more likely to end up doing something. They for their partner that necessarily, they don’t really want to do what they’re doing on behalf of them. And so I think the moral of the story is don’t agree to a threesome just because your partner was to have one when you are totally against it, but at the same time, if you do agree to it, that does not automatically give you permission, permission to have one with the other way round, it 

[00:23:10] Moineau: could be a limit for the other person. Exactly, exactly. So, yeah, it is it’s it’s yeah. It’s it seems like in this scenario, it’s a, it’s a limit that she has.

Breached her her own limit in order to appease her partner, that’s kind of the way 

[00:23:27] Chief: they’ve done it. They just 

[00:23:28] Moineau: know. I know, but like, even in the discussion, like it’s like she’s doing it, but it’s not really because she wants to like, she’s doing 

[00:23:35] Chief: it for him. And so she’s brought up the fact that, uh, in return she wants this, but it should never be used as a bargaining chip. And the worst thing to do would be to agree to. Without even bringing up your hesitations and then a month down the line say, oh yeah, by the way, you know, you know that threesome now it’s my turn because you have not consented to that. And so if you did that, it would be in the guys every right to say, no, I don’t want that.

And I don’t think you’d have a leg to stand on. It’s not about being fair. It’s that if someone suggested threesome bring up your hesitations at that point and discuss, what does this mean for the future? Does this mean we sorted. 

[00:24:15] Moineau: I feel like a lot of couples fall in the trap that they will have a threesome and it’ll fix their relationship issues by bringing someone into the relationship. And that cannot be further from the truth 

[00:24:27] Chief: because you’re bored of your current relationship 

[00:24:30] Moineau: now, like spicing things up. Sure. But try to make things spicy another way, especially if you’re thinking that like this can save, our intimacy. It’s will cause more harm than anything.

So like oral sex, I feel like, you have that same sort of thing. Some people assume that if they have gone down on you, that you will then return the favor. And for some people that’s the limit. You know, some people are not turned on by it at all. And it is often the case.

[00:25:02] Chief: Yeah. Even with two people, if one person likes doing something a lot, the other, one’s not so much into it, it doesn’t mean that like exactly oral sex, just because there’s one person who really likes giving blow jobs does not mean that, oh, you did 37 minutes of giving a blowjob this week. Therefore you have to go down on me for 37 minutes. That’s not how it should be, because again, it’s, it has to be what you both enjoy and compromise. It’s not, it’s not like a, um, you’re not keeping tally.

You shouldn’t be keeping score. If you’re not getting enough oral sex, then have the conversation and say, look, Hey, I really wish you would go down on me more, but it’s not. I went down on you for this long, therefore deserve, I deserve you going down on me. It shouldn’t be like that. It’s just like, Hey, I would like you to go down on me more.

Don’t bring up the fact that you don’t like, and don’t sort of hold it back. He’s like, well, I’m not going to go down on you now because you’re okay. But 

[00:26:02] Moineau: you see that? I mean, this is this questions about compromise, you know, it’s, you have to compromise. You expectation versus reality and also fantasy versus reality, and things can stay a fantasy and never make it to reality.

And you just have to be okay with that sometimes. 

[00:26:22] Chief: This whole, ultimately, as I said, at the beginning, all of this comes down to communication. What we’re really talking about here is interacting with other human beings, trying to figure out what they want, what you want, the more open you can be and discuss it.

And the more non-judgment non-judgemental you can be when you’re listening to your partner. The more discussions you can have. Um, the smoother things are gonna go don’t surprise them. Don’t spring stuff on them. Don’t tit for tat don’t expect if they do this, you get to do it as well. Yeah. Ultimately just discuss it. It’s the key scale communication. 

[00:26:58] Moineau: I like this person said on Reddit limits are limits even in non BDSM contexts. And I think that alone. Yeah, 

[00:27:07] Chief: yeah. Be clear on your boundaries. Maybe sit down with a bit of paper and, um, again, it’s, it’s a great reason for doing a sex menu. We talk about this a lot. If you go to kinkyevents.co.uk search for sex menu, there’s a sex menu template you can download, but essentially it’s a way of communicating with your partner in written format.

What things you like and what things you don’t like. And it’s good for you as well, because you can, I think somebody will have really decent time in expressing what, what it is they want. Have you ever really sat down and thought to yourself, what is, what is it, what does a great sex life look like for me?

What do I want out of my sex life? What do I want out of my kinky relationship or DS relationship? Sit down, and write out a few things and then have that discussion with your partner. But I don’t think many people have even thought about it. We do it for work. We do. The rest of our lives. A lot of the time we kind of plan what we want and how to get there, but when it comes to sex, we just expect to get into bed and to be amazing.

And you’re like, well, no, have you practiced? Have you put the work in? 

So if your partner comes to you and they’re in trying to improve your sex life, where you’re trying to improve your sex life, then having this list of things that you’re into, or at least, you know, your top five things. Um, it’s much easier getting a really giving a really specific answer, say, say something really specific.

Like I like to be spanked 10 times with a hand, right. Be really, really specific rather than going, oh, you know, I like a bit of everything. It’s not helpful.

So there we go. That was us answering some, Reddit questions. I really recommend you go on download the app. It’s a great app. Go and subscribe to the BDSM advice, BDSM community in the sub sanctuary subreddits and the sex subreddits.

You can learn so much just by reading other people’s resources. And I think it normalizes it. And again, that’s one of the reasons I do this podcast. To normalize you taking control of your sex life and, your desires. Don’t be ashamed of what you want go out and get it. And so I think it’s a really good exercise to read other people’s struggles and other people’s things, because you will see some really kinky shit on there.

And. Then you’re like, oh, well actually the thing I want, isn’t that kinky to it, it’s actually quite normal. And you’ll see. Yeah. Loads of people who have exactly the same desires as you, and you will just be like, oh, okay. Yeah, I’m normal. And you are normal. There’s nothing wrong with fantasizing about pretty much anything.

And in terms of doing stuff, as long as there’s consent and it’s not illegal, then go for it. 

Yeah. Our conversation today touched on a lot of points that are really nuanced. And obviously if you are listening to this and you have any sort of sticky points that we’ve touched on that you’re like, well, I don’t necessarily agree with that.

[00:29:59] Moineau: Please drop us a line and explain your view because this is a evolving conversation and it’s something that we’re still teaching ourselves about. And we are more than open to hearing feedback over what it is you may disagree with or agree with, or what viewpoint you may have opinions of the perspective you might have about the.

[00:30:25] Chief: Uh, I’m definitely not right all the time. Um, definitely have had my mind changed in the past. So again, don’t take this as gospel. Our answers may not work for you. It’s just our opinions based on our experience. Take what you, what you’d like leave what you don’t drop us a line at chief@kinkyevents.co.uk, if you want to get in touch.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast as well. You can find it on Spotify and your favorite podcast, streamer. Most of them it’s available on.

That’s it. We hope you found this enjoyable. Go out there, claim your desires or reclaim them. Have lots of great conversations with your partners about what you want and stay kinky. 

Yay kinky is life. 

Yes. Thank you for that Moineau. Bye everyone. 

[00:31:11] Moineau: Bye. 

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