5 reasons an online BDSM course beats an in-person one

Online BDSM course. Learn BDSM online

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So you’ve stumbled across this website because you’re curious about BDSM and want to learn more.

Should you do an online BDSM course?

Yes! Of course you should.

Then again, I would say that. I’m biased because I offer a couple of courses myself.

But more on that later.

First of all, here are 5 top reasons you should do an online BDSM course.

1. Privacy

You’re kinky. I get it.

But that isn’t something you want the whole world to know.

BDSM is a subject which can induce feelings of fear and shame in some people. It’s also a huge leap to turn up to a classroom full of people and then be expected to discuss your most intimate desires.

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An online BDSM course is completely private. No one will see what you’re doing. No one will judge what you’re reading or listening to. And no one will be looking over your shoulder.

2. Lack of offline BDSM course choice

There aren’t many people running offline BDSM courses, even if you do live in a large built-up area.

If you’re in a country where BDSM is frowned upon, or you just live in the countryside and can’t physically get to a location where a BDSM course is being run, then taking an online course is for you.

When I was learning BDSM I couldn’t find many courses about it, even in London, one of the busiest cities in the world. Even then, I probably wouldn’t have attended in person due to the privacy reasons outlined above. 

3. Self-paced learning

I recently attended a tantra course in London which spanned several weekends. I found the training incredibly slow. Some of the sections that took three hours to cover I would have liked to have whizzed through in 30 minutes, and some of the sections which were of interest to me I would have liked to spend more time on.

An online BDSM course will let you go at your own pace, to suit your schedule and interests. Maybe you online have 30 minutes, once a week because of your busy schedule. An online course fits right in.

Or maybe you have a real interest in rope bondage or enhancing your submissive energy. You can spend longer on these modules in my courses. Or perhaps you discovered something really insightful about yourself during one of the BDSM exercises I give you in my course. You want to be able to sit and reflect on that learning, rather than rush on to the next topic.

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My online courses allow you to do just that. And better yet you can watch them anywhere – your phone on a bus, a tablet on the beach, or a laptop on the sofa.

4. Lower costs

Physical courses tend to be expensive. I’ve seen 1-hour courses in London ranging from £35 to £100!

Whilst I’m sure the people running those courses provide great value, they have to charge a lot due to having to hire a venue and do all their marketing. This is even tricker for BDSM courses because venues often won’t allow adult-related courses to run. Venues that do charge a premium.

With an online BDSM course you are likely to get better value for money. Rather than just an hour of content, you’ll get many hours of content and exercises to complete if the course is decent.

For example, my Art of Submission course for beginner subs has over 6.5 hours of video lessons plus a 77-page workbook full of exercises, prompts, and useful tips. My rope bondage course has even more HD video content.

If these were offline BDSM workshops the trainers would be charging hundreds of pounds, perhaps thousands. But online you can access them for a very reasonable price.

5. Get to know the trainer

Before I attend a course I want to know something about who runs it.

What makes them an expert? What is their philosophy on the topic? Does their energy match mine? Does their way of training resonate with me?

Often offline courses only give a short bio about the trainer – nothing that really helps me assess the above.

And so I make the purchase based on faith. Sometimes it works out and the trainer is fantastic. Other times not so much.

When you buy an online course the trainer often has a social media account, a website, some preview videos, or other materials available for free to help you gauge their style.

For example, I run a BDSM podcast called Conversations wtih a Dom. On there I discuss my philosophy and attitude towards BDSM with my partner. Anyone who buys a BDSM course from me has probably listened to a few of those and therefore knows my style, and it resonates with them. Therefore, they are most likely to get a lot from my courses.

On the other hand, there might be some people who can’t stand what I have to say about BDSM and disagree! That’s completely fine – those aren’t the people who will buy my courses, and I wouldn’t want them to because they won’t get maximum value from the content.

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What to do next

If you’re curious about BDSM, are interested in taking an online course, and resonate with how I approach the subject (read my articles and listen to my podcast to check!) then I’d love to invite you to take a look at the BDSM courses page. On there you’ll see the courses I currently offer, many of which are available instantly and online.

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